Athlete Profile – Jackson Boenker

We’re kicking off the 2019 Player Profiles with a true Inside Edge original. Jackson Boenker joined IE in 2013, playing for one of the original 7 teams. His dedication to development over the past six years has earned him an offer to play baseball at North Central Missouri College.

IE Baseball - Jackson Boenker HittingLooking back to 2013, do you remember trying out to play for Inside Edge?
I do, actually. My dad took me and my younger brother, Logan, to the tryout. It was at Legacy Park and I remember being on the field with almost 100 other kids. It was overwhelming to think that I had to compete against so many kids. But, Todd’s talk before we started totally pumped me up. I couldn’t wait to get on the field, to show him what I could do. Playing for IE has been like that ever since–Todd and the IE coaches prepare us so we can play our best ball. That focus and dedication to development made me the player I am today.

Your dad was the coach for your team that year. What was that like?
It’s been awesome! He didn’t plan to coach when we showed up to the tryout. But, with so many kids there that day, Todd ended up creating two 13u teams, even though he planned for only one team. Todd put the call out for another coach and my dad volunteered. He was our coach through our 16u season. After that, he’s been an assistant coach for Silvestri’s 17u team and has also helped with my brother’s teams.

It’s been special getting to play with my dad. I can’t thank him enough for always being there for us and for all the hard work he put into coaching our teams. It takes a special kind of person to manage a baseball team while working a stressful job (a sergeant with the Lee’s Summit Police Department). Thanks, Dad!

That’s an amazing story. Your dad, John, is a huge part of IE’s success. Besides getting to play for your dad, what has been your most memorable IE experience?
That’s easy! Last year, we were up 1-0 in the top of the 6th inning. I was playing second and runners were on second and third with 1 out. A fly ball was hit to shallow right field, and I knew that I had to get the ball. I caught it on a full run, and without thinking, I turned and threw it as hard as I could toward home. The guy on third tried to tag up, but my throw beat him to the plate. That double play saved a run and won the game for us. That will be my most memorable play of all time…or, at least until I make the next one.

IE Baseball - Jackson BoenkerThat sounds a bit like Alex Gordon throwing guys out from left field.
A little but not quite the same. Which, Gordo is my favorite player of all time (hint: it might be why I wear number 4). I would pay money to see Bo Jackson and George Brett play, but Gordo is bar-none my all-time favorite player. I love the way he plays with complete dedication and heart. He’s not considered one of the top players in the league, but he still plays his butt off every game and always seems to make the play that changes the game.

There’s a lot to learn from Alex Gordon. If you were coaching young IE players, what lesson would you give to them?
Work your butt off every single day. You can and always will get better at the game if you put in the work. I truly believe that there is no limit to how good you can be. It’s just a matter of how much time and effort you are willing to put into baseball. And, grades are one of the BIGGEST keys to success for playing any sport at the next level. Take the hard work ethic from baseball and apply it to the classroom. You choose your own destiny; no one else does.

IE Baseball - Jackson Boenker All SmilesThat’s great advice. Speaking of playing at the next level, congratulation on the offer to play at North Central Missouri College.
Thank you! I am so honored that Coach Hillerman and his staff offered me a spot on their team. This is a dream come true and I can’t wait to start the next chapter.

I have to thank Todd along with all of the coaches and teammates I’ve had throughout my years playing for Inside Edge. They helped me reach this point. I have to thank my dad again and my mom, Korie. She works very hard to make sure we are fed, on time, and have everything ready before games and practice. She’s the magic behind the Boenker baseball madness. I would also like to thank my girlfriend Molly for supporting me throughout all the years we’ve been together. Thank you, everyone!

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